Saint Paul College offers quality education to all types of students. Whether you’re a first-time student, transfer student, international student, or high school student we’re the right fit for you. All students are welcome.
What type of
student are you?

The steps of becoming a student.
- Apply to Saint Paul College – You can do that here.
- Receive Reading, English, and Math Placements: We may be able to waive the placement test and provide the necessary placements from the list below. If these apply to you, please fill out the Assessment Waiver form.
- ACT/SAT/MCA scores within the last 5 years
- AP classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a 3 or higher
- IB classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a 4 or higher
- Obtain unofficial transcript(s) College in The School classes
- High School transcripts with a GPA of 2.8 or higher within the last 10 years
- Declare your major: You may email to do this.
- Register for classes: Students will register for classes at their Orientation & Registration (O&R) Session. Please visit to sign up for an O&R Session. Prior to arriving for your O&R session please reviewing the “Preparing for Orientation” portion of the online orientation. Details for that can also be found at
- Set up Tuition Payment: Pay out of pocket or complete your FAFSA by the tuition due date.
We are so pleased to have you back! Here are some steps that you will need to take before registering.
- Re-Apply to Saint Paul College: Update your contact information, major, and semester you are returning for by applying to the school again. You can do that here.
- Receive Reading, English, and Math Placements: Your previous placements may have expired. Please contact the One Stop to see if this applies to you:
- Declare your major: You may email to do this.
- Register for classes: Students will register for classes at their Orientation & Registration (O&R) Session. Please visit to sign up for an O&R Session. Prior to arriving for your O&R session please review the “Preparing for Orientation” portion of the online orientation. Details for that can also be found at
- Set up Tuition Payment: Pay out of pocket or complete your FAFSA by the tuition due date.
Welcome to Saint Paul College. We are glad that you are here!
- Apply to Saint Paul College – You can do that here.
- Receive Reading, English, and Math Placements: We may be able to waive the placement test and provide the necessary placements from the list below. If these apply to you, please fill out the Assessment Waiver form.
- Unofficial transcripts from a college or university with a grade of C or higher
- ACT/SAT/MCA scores within the last 5 years
- ACCUPLACER scores (Math within the last 2 years and Reading/Writing within the last 5 years)
- AP classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a 3 or higher
- IB classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a 4 or higher
- Obtain unofficial transcript(s) College in The School classes
- High School transcripts with a GPA of 2.8 or higher within the last 10 years
- Declare your major: You may email to do this.
- Register for classes: Students will register for classes at their Orientation & Registration (O&R) Session. Please visit to sign up for an O&R Session. Prior to arriving for your O&R session please review the “Preparing for Orientation” portion of the online orientation. Details for that can also be found at
- Set up Tuition Payment: Pay out of pocket or complete your FAFSA by the tuition due date.
PSEO enables eligible Minnesota high school Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors to take college classes for high school and/or college credit.
The purpose of the Saint Paul College PSEO program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and provide a wider variety of options than what may be available in the high school setting.
Graduate on time and debt-free with Saint Paul College’s COMPASS Program. Designed for recent high school graduates and Pell Grant recipients, our program offers financial assistance to cover tuition, fees, textbooks, transportation, and basic needs.
The international student application process is for those students who will be applying for, or already have, an F-1 visa to attend Saint Paul College.
We are happy that we can support your educational goals.
- Apply to school – You can do that here.
- Receive Reading, English, and Math Placements or meet Course Prerequisites: Look at the Course Schedule to determine course prerequisites (classes or placements). If the class requires placements, we may be able to waive the placement test off of the list below. If these apply to you, please fill out the Assessment Waiver form.
- Unofficial Transcripts from a college or university
- ACT scores within the last 5 years
- SAT scores within the last 5 years
- AP classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a 3 or higher
- IB classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a 4 or higher
- Obtain unofficial transcript(s) College in The School classes
- High School transcripts within the last 10 years
- * If you do not have any or all of these placements, please email to get set up or learn about the required assessment(s). If the class requires a prerequisite class that you may have taken at a different school to register, you will want to fill out a Course Permission Request form.
- Declare “Undeclared” as your major by emailing
- Set up Tuition Payment: Click here for more information on payment options.